Flushing the permanent Class Hierarchy Cache

  • The solutions mentioned in code and in the blogs might be OK for development Environments (*), but I was looking for a something to use with powershell or similar deployment automation scripts so that the cache is cleared everytime the code is modified in a deployment.
  • I looked a bit closer to find where the cache is stored and got to the SysExtensionCache class. In method insertValueOnServer you can see that the classHierarchy information is stored in SysLastValue
  • After seeing this simple and straightforward implementation, I decided to go for deleting the specific records from the database via a script in the database – its X++ counterpart is
    delete_from lastValue  
    where lastValue.userId == '' && 
    lastValue.company == '' && 
    lastValue.elementName == classStr(SysExtensionCache) && 
    lastValue.recordType == 45; // UtilElementType::Class;
  • This issue can be found with AX2012 and AX365fFO.
  • The solution has been tested in AX2012.
  • I haven’t checked whether the solution can be applied to AX365fFO – I hope the issue is covered by Microsoft when they deploy to production; the solution might be of interest to the sandbox environments.

(*) I personally don’t think that this can be called better than a workaround for development Environments: Synchronizing code from version control should invalidate the cache. If “get latest” doesn’t invalidate the cache, then a compile should. If a compile doesn’t invalidate the cache, then a full compile should.

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